Los Pinos, Nicaragua
The Corrales Family has four generations of coffee producers, preserving the best practices that have allowed us to achieve a distinctive and outstanding flavor. We continue to use the methods of crops used by our past generations, adding to our soil, only organic products made on our own farm.
We have managed to convey the message that coffee production is an art, that it must be worked with dedication, thinking about our nature, our community, and our consumers.
About Los Pinos Farm
Producing organic coffee since 1986, located in the high mountains of the "El Arenal" nature reserve in Aranjuez, Matagalpa, Nicaragua. Our production is based on the cultivation of high quality organic coffee, under the rules of protection and preservation of our natural resources.
Finca "Los Pinos" is located in the northern region of Nicaragua, this region produces approximately 83.80% of the national production and has exceptional agro-ecological conditions for coffee production. We are located in the community of Aranjuez, belonging to the department of Matagalpa. Our Finca is part of the El Arenal Nature Reserve, at an altitude of 1400 meters, in which the waters that feed the great Apanas lake are born.