Seasonal Select: Organic Nicaragua El Pastoral Natural
When we first created our seasonal select program, our intention was to shine a light on some of the best fresh crop coffees worldwide.
This specific lot is naturally-processed, juicy and tropical, and an outstanding example of the expertise from Juan de Dios and his family in Jinotega, Nicaragua.
Shop Seasonal Select: Organic Nicaragua El Pastoral Natural
The full natural process concentrates the flavor of the fruit into the bean, producing a very unique, complex cup you’re sure to enjoy while supplies last.
This Natural processed lot is a stunning example of the skill and commitment Juan de Dios has invested in the family business. During the harvest, the coffee cherries are carefully harvested, and transported to the dry-mill where the weather conditions are more stable for evenly drying coffee inside the cherry.
After drying is completed, the coffee is stored and later prepared for export at the same dry-mill. This is a truly integrated model, in which J&M Family Coffee ensures quality control and traceability from farm to export.